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edu[Crate] Sponsorship


Many children in Jaco, Cost Rica are not receiving an education because they can not afford a uniform. For the children of more developed societies, education is something that is taken for granted and is often seen as a burden; for many Costa Rican children it is a lifelong dream. Join us in helping making this dream a reality.

SPONSOR A CHILD with an edu[Crate].

An edu[Crate] is a box full of items that your sponorship with cover. Included in that box are the following:

  • 2 School Uniforms

  • 1 PE Uniform

  • Backpack

  • Books for the school year

  • School supplies (pens, pencil, paper, calculator, eraser, etc)


Your sponsorship will sponsor a child for one school year. A school year is February through December.


Upon your sponsorship, you will receive information regarding the child you sponorsed and a yearly updated on how they are doing!


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